It finally happened! After four rigorous years of college filled with practice hours, rehearsals that go until midnight, and piles upon piles of projects, I am officially a college graduate! Yay for the four FINE looking BME graduates! Look out world, we're teachers now!

The group of music majors with our diplomas...

PSYCH! We are a crazy bunch!

And then there's the family! I think I had the second loudest cheer when I crossed the stage: I'm related to half of Searcy and one family from Michigan brought air horns. All my immediate family was able to attend minus my brother-in-law and oldest nephew because he was being inducted into his youth group. Really, my family is AMAZING!

My siblings took time off work to watch me cross a stage in a LARGE gown and spend some quality time at home playing cards, reminiscing, and eating together. It was really neat to be in the same room together as that doesn't happen often; Uganda, Okinawa, Japan, Italy, Germany, or the USA... we'll still be siblings near or far!

You know your friend is your BEST friend when she takes time off from working at Disney World to see you graduate! Love you, Bunny!
In less than 3 hours, I'll be rendezvousing in the music parking lot to take a shuttle to the Little Rock airport and I'll be on my way to CHINA! For
THREE WEEKS! I'll continue to post photos as frequently as I can, but no promises!