Happy Anniversary in Japan to me! New bed set + reading lamp + tatami chair.
Thanks goes to Nitori, the amazing home decor store!
Random Cravings: Microwave Light Butter Popcorn and Nerds Candies
When the quake was over, a tsunami warning came on the news. Apparently, it amounted to nothing. But hey, I am a first-timer on these things so just say the words "tsunami warning" and I will start panicking.
Thursday morning.
Another earthquake in the ocean that did not affect my area, thankfully, but still close enough to be a cause for worry.
Thursday evening.
Earthquake No. 2 of the day. My apartment shook a little and I dove under the futon blanket/mattress that I had just brought in from airing. Lasted maybe 5 secs.
You may have also heard on the news that Japan has suffered landslides from these earthquakes and due heavy rainfall in the west. And don't forget our seasonal typhoons... I think No. 9 just passed to the south of Japan this week.
I used to live in Tornado Alley; now I live in Natural Disaster 3-Ring Circus of Fire.
Did I mention Mt. Fuji is right outside my window?