Thursday, January 22, 2009

So much for New Years Resolutions

So much for thinking I would blog more...

Just another note to say I am alive, that my camera is almost full, and that EVENTUALLY (whenever that is) I'll post more pictures.

This weekend, I am headed to Tokyo to see a friend from college, Masamichi. My family practically adopts any Japanese student as their own and Masa was no exception. So he is home for break and I am NOT passing up an opportunity to see a familiar face! And to increase his already cool-factor, he lives in the same area where my mom grew up! So we plan to go see my Mom's old school, Keimei, among other things.

I will be home soon... how exciting.
Snow festival in 2 weeks!


Roki said...


So excited to know that you and Masamichi plan to go to my school. I wish I could be there to show you where I used to climb and hop on to another tree like monkeys, where my classmates and I run away from a student teacher, where we used to eat lunch, where all the beautiful maple trees and the beautiful registered dorm, etc. Have a great weekend! Love, Mom

Claire said...

jill.i have a question. a VERY important one: is it true that on some metro in tokyo they have people who's job it is to officially shove people onto the trains?

some british girl told me that. i thought it was hilarious.

i hope you have a good time!