Monday, April 20, 2009

Culture Shock; April 2009 Edition

So there are things that I have become quite accustom to, and other that still need adjusting.

For example, insurance.

Granted, I didn't choose my insurance; it's just what is provided by the program. And I really shouldn't complain, because for my first job at age 23, having ANY kind of insurance is a plus.

But get this "logic"...

So dental insurance in Japan DOES NOT cover preventive visits. Translation: I cannot go to the dentist to have a check-up/once-over/cleaning and have my insurance cover it. The insurance company will only cover me if I actually have a problem.

Dear insurance company,
That is the stupidest policy I have ever heard. No wonder people in Japan have such bad teeth. They have to be in PAIN first! a-HEM, if you are in pain, it is too late!

By the way, I lost a filling on Saturday (dentist offices are closed on weekends) and won't be seen until Wednesday. While I am there, that dentist better give me the WORKS: x-ray, cleaning, new filling, etc, etc, etc, etc, and my insurance better cover it ALLLLLLLL.

I have been living off yogurt and soft foods like ramen noodles and chicken noodle soup. I am reminded of my horrific wisdom teeth experience... oi vey.

Otherwise, life is really good. More to come later when I get my internet back.

Monday, April 13, 2009

End of the School Year

I know I am not supposed to have favorite classes, but I do. Does that make me a bad teacher?

2008-2009 HR 23 and I just clicked. We were able to have lots of fun in class and still get a lot done. They made my classroom atmosphere so much fun and Mondays didn't seem so treacherous since I would see them 3rd period. I will miss them this new school year.

Here we are doing the "Daigo Pose". Daigo is a Japanese pop-star/TV guest star whose only reason for being famous is that his grandfather was a former Prime Minister. Daigo makes a trademark pose that looks like Sign for "I love you" but reversed with both hands crossed. Kinda cool looking. By the way, I am in the middle.

And then we had the "Baka-Kao" pose. Baka in Japanese means "stupid" and kao is "face". I have this picture on my desk at school and it gives me a good laugh in the morning as I start my day.

Thank you HR 23 for making my first year so great!
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Back from the Grave - Yuki Matsuri Part 5

So what would a vacation be without a sweet photo of the view from my Sapporo Sheraton room?

There is a family-fun area on the outskirts of Sapporo called Tsudome. I tubed down the second-from-the-right slot. I think I squealed the entire way down too.

I think James, Rae, and I waited a good 1 hour for 10 seconds of fun.

Totally worth it says I.

And the famous Ramen Street in Japan.

Butter-corn Ramen. Why are the Japanese obsessed with corn?

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Back from the Grave - Yuki Matsuri Part 4

The Snow Festival is the IT winter event in Japan. Here I am standing in front of the Tokyo Disney Castle (not quite to scale). The kanji to the left of me is yume which means "dream".

And accompanying Disney characters. Sorry, Donald got cut off a bit.

Honoring Kousuke Kitajima, gold medal winner of the breast stroke and thus Japanese hero.

Half-snow and half-ice sculpture with interior lights. SUGOI!!!!
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Back from the Grave - Yuki Matsuri Part 3

Rae and I toured Sapporo Tower after our meat coma.

And here is the view by night. Sweet huh?

View of Odori Park, place of the snow sculptures.
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Back from the Grave - Yuki Matsuri Part 2

So what does it mean "Genghis Khan Feast"? It means 2.5 hours of all you can eat grilled lamb and veggies and drink bar. Seriously, it was A-MA-ZING!!!

It's so beautiful!!! *shiny anime eyes*

This is HALF the group that went to the Yuki Matsuri.

The other half is sitting behind me. I am such a cheese... Oh, and the bib is a must. And I did NOT drink beer. Ew. Gross. I drank Coca-cola.
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Back from the Grave - Yuki Matsuri Part 1

Hokkaido is known for its white chocolate so my friends and I went to the factory. Outside there was a tube snow slide. Rae is having a good time.

Inside, I definitely felt like I should be singing songs from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Thankfully, neither myself or my friends came close to temptation by our greed.

At the top of the factory was a cafe. We had hot chocolate and dessert during afternoon tea while a blizzard stormed outside. It was totally white!!

My strawberry tart was even tastier than it looks in this photo. Be jealous.
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