Monday, April 20, 2009

Culture Shock; April 2009 Edition

So there are things that I have become quite accustom to, and other that still need adjusting.

For example, insurance.

Granted, I didn't choose my insurance; it's just what is provided by the program. And I really shouldn't complain, because for my first job at age 23, having ANY kind of insurance is a plus.

But get this "logic"...

So dental insurance in Japan DOES NOT cover preventive visits. Translation: I cannot go to the dentist to have a check-up/once-over/cleaning and have my insurance cover it. The insurance company will only cover me if I actually have a problem.

Dear insurance company,
That is the stupidest policy I have ever heard. No wonder people in Japan have such bad teeth. They have to be in PAIN first! a-HEM, if you are in pain, it is too late!

By the way, I lost a filling on Saturday (dentist offices are closed on weekends) and won't be seen until Wednesday. While I am there, that dentist better give me the WORKS: x-ray, cleaning, new filling, etc, etc, etc, etc, and my insurance better cover it ALLLLLLLL.

I have been living off yogurt and soft foods like ramen noodles and chicken noodle soup. I am reminded of my horrific wisdom teeth experience... oi vey.

Otherwise, life is really good. More to come later when I get my internet back.

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