Monday, June 22, 2009

A Brickwall of Homesickness

It kinda hit me all at once.

I knew perfectly well that my mom had only the slimmest chance of coming to Japan this summer, and I told myself not to get my hopes up and I thought I hadn't. After all, I can be rational and logical. Of course, only after the fact that it's for certain she isn't coming do I feel the full effect of her absence.

On top of that, yesterday was Father's Day. I suppose Father's Day was doubly sentimental... maybe even triply (tripley?)... since I had spent Father's Day at Camp Tahkodah for almost a decade. Of course, my thoughts are towards Daddy, but I get a little nostalgic thinking of the 2nd Sessioners that are being visited by their parents, getting to swim in Salado Creek, walk along the Lower Darn, etc. I am kinda jealous of their youth and carefree-ness.

So today, Monday, I am having a hard time being motivated at my job. There are 2 weeks until final exams and maybe 2 weeks after that to come up with random activities before the end of the first semester. I think it is 10,000 shades of idiotic to have final exams and then STILL have classes after. Final Exams are called Final Exams because they are FINAL. THE END. CLOSURE. DONE. FINITO. ETC. -.- Ugh.....

And have I complained yet about how Japanese teachers don't get summer vacation? Yeah... I have to use my last 5 days of paid vacation to host a friend. Definitely looking forward to the visit, but certainly NOT looking forward to using paid vacation when there are no classes, no students at school, but teachers gotta be there. D-U-M-B, DUMB!

To end on a positive note, I bought a really cute teapot. I broke the lid of the previous one and Japan doesn't sell teapot lids. It is the same color as the blue serving dish Granddaddy gave my mom. Mom, if you are reading this, I really want that bowl, the bamboo tea set, and the piano. I can settle for just the piano though ;)

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