Friday, June 12, 2009


To get my students out of a slump, I had a culture lesson about superstitions. I suppose I could've waited to use this until Halloween, but it's also the Culture Festival soon, so here is some culture!

Japanese superstitions, the good and the bad (but mostly bad).

If you whistle at night, a snake will appear.

If your naval is facing the thunder when it claps, the Thunder God will capture your naval.

If you find a tea stem floating upright in your tea, you will have happiness all your life.

If you cut yourself with a nail, you will not be able to be with your parents on their deathbeds.

If you do not eat all the rice you are served, your eyes will be taken out.

A certain combination on a yellow license plate is supposed to be lucky.

If you step on an ant, it will rain.

I don't remember many of the good ones... the bad ones seemed a lot more interesting.

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