Monday, November 3, 2008

Kamakura Adventure Pt. 1

So I got back from visiting my Aunt Keiko and her family in Kamakura about 6 hours ago, but I returned to a cluttered apartment and am 2 days behind on my Japanese studies. So I promise to post amazing pictures of the best 3-day vacation (so far) once things slow down (when will that be?)

1 comment:

Tomoko said...

Hello Jill! Great to see that you're back in Japan! Aunt Michiko emailed me with a link to your blog.
I just wanted to wish you the all the best, with work and living there!
Sounds like you've been going through a crazy heap of new experiences, which I'm sure couldn't be easy at the time but most certainly rewarding in hindsight.
And it always helps to keep in mind.... that you're in the land of awesome food! ha ha ha
Pls say hi to the Sasahira's from me the next time you see them :-)
Ganbatte! /tomoko